2024-25 RESMS Math & Puzzle Club Interest Survey
Thank you for your interest in the Robert Eagle Staff Math & Puzzle Club! This is a place where we have FUN, use our brains to turn hard problems into easy ones, wander around looking for puzzles to solve, compete in national and regional math competitions, and much more! If you have any questions, you can email the Math Club at mathclub@eaglestaffptsa.org
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Email *
Student Name *
Student Grade *
Student T-Shirt Size *
SIXTH GRADERS ONLY: Elementary School *
Math Club is for everyone. No previous experience with advanced math or competition math is necessary. It is helpful to understand student backgrounds so we can match our activities to their experience level.

What is your student's current math class?  
Has your student been a part of any Math Circle or extracurricular math program, such as the Art of Problem Solving, Russian School of Mathematics, Prime Factor Math Circle, the UW Math Circle, or something else? If so, choose "Other" and put the name of the program here. *
Has your student read any books about math they enjoy, or used any workbooks or puzzles? If so, choose "Other" and put the book name(s) here. *
Does your student have math-oriented puzzles or games they like to play? If so, choose "Other" and put the puzzle and game name(s) here. *
Is your student interested in participating in math competitions?
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