Welcome to Cardio Tennis at Empire Tennis Academy!
Cardio Tennis is a fun group activity for anyone looking for a fun way to burn calories & interact with others outside of the gym. It is a high energy fitness class that delivers a full body, calorie burning aerobic workout. Most women can burn 300-500 calories per hour, and men burn between 500-1000. Not only are you getting a great workout, but you are also learning a skill and training for tennis. This is not a lesson, there will be no instruction provided. This is not for Entry level players. You must have taken group tennis lessons previously.

We will provide workout music, footwork ladders, green-dot balls, and a positive attitude.

Wait for an email confirmation (within 48hrs) before arriving.

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Email *
Select preferred day(s) and time(s): *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Phone Number: *
You must be Intermediate level and above to participate. Please tell us about your tennis background and playing level: *
I have read and hereby accept the conditions described below: *
I understand and acknowledge the risk of injury is inherent in any program involving physical activity. I hereby waive and release any rights and claims for damages I may have against The Harley School, Empire Tennis LLC, Director of Tennis, or any of the professionals, for any and all injuries sustained by the player. I also hereby give my consent to medical emergency or otherwise, inclusive if necessary transportation in order to receive such treatment in the event of injury or any other illness.  Empire Tennis LLC reserves the right to video tape or take pictures for educational or promotional use.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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