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Robert Francis Jene Memorial Invitation
You are invited to come and share with Bob's family in celebration of his 90 years of a life well lived.
Although we are saddened by this loss we are joyful for the time he has been in our lives and welcome you to share your memories and photos with us here:
Robert Francis Jene Obituary - Rolling Meadows, IL (
Please respond below no later than November 13th
if you will be able to attend the remembrance in Chicago on the 18th at 4:00pm, the mass and burial in Eau Claire on the 25th at 10:30am or both.
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* Indicates required question
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First and Last Name of primary family member responding to our invitation:
Your answer
Will you be attending the remembrance on Saturday November 18th in Chicago?
(service will begin at 4:00pm, repass will follow, continuing until 6:30pm)
Yes, I'll be there
Sorry, can't make it
How many people will be attending our Chicago remembrance?
Not able to attend
Will you be attending the mass and burial on Saturday November 25th in Eau Claire?
(viewing will begin at 9:30am, mass will begin at 10:30a, interment will immediately follow, with lunch at 1:30pm)
Yes, I'll be there
Sorry, can't make it
How many people will be attending our Eau Claire services?
Not able to attend
Feel free to share a message with us here as well.
Your answer
Send me a copy of my responses.
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