WomanWithin® Weekend - Participant Registration
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I am over the age of 18 *
Woman Within welcomes all women over the age of 18.
I am registering for the following Weekend: *
First name *
Last name *
Street address *
City *
State/Province/Region *
ZIP/Postal code *
Email *
Confirm email *
Preferred phone number *
Registration agreements - please read carefully
*I agree to be on site no later than 6pm on the Friday of the Weekend and be in attendance until 4pm on the Sunday of the Weekend.

*I am aware that breaking this attendance agreement will greatly minimize the value I would gain from the Woman Within® Weekend, and will therefore cooperate with the staff in overcoming any circumstance that would prevent me from keeping this agreement.

*I agree to abstain from using alcohol or recreational drugs for 24-hours prior to the Weekend, during the Weekend, and 24-hours after.

* Woman Within welcomes all women and prohibits discrimination based on race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

If there are any additional risks that may arise as a result of your participation in the Woman Within® Weekend that are not discussed in our paperwork, please call or email the WWE administrator at 267-818-0258 or info@womanwithineasternusa.org to assist you in evaluating those risks.

I have read and understood the registration agreements above *
Your spot on the Weekend will be considered held only after the minimum deposit of $150 is received from you or on your behalf.  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Choose amount to pay today *
Cancellation policy, registration transfers, and securing your spot

Woman Within Eastern USA (WWE) is a non-profit organization that offers personal growth and education experiences for women. The Woman Within Weekend (WWW) participant fees primarily fund WWW expenses and WWE’s budget operating costs.  WWE depends on the collection of participant fees to continue its mission and activities.
Financial accountability is one of the core values of WWE.  In support of that value, WWE has established a policy regarding payment(s) for the WWW and other WWE sponsored events.


A. WWW Deposit
A $150.00 deposit is required to hold a participant’s space on the WWW.  The deposit is refundable/transferable to another WWW in WWE, up until two weeks prior to the Weekend date; after which it becomes nontransferable or refundable. The only exception to this is when a woman has applied for financial support and the funds awarded are not sufficient to allow her to attend.  Her deposit will be returned at her request, or held for a future WWW sponsored by WWE within a 12-month period from the date of her first registration. Those applying for financial support are  required to submit their deposit prior to filling out the Financial Support Form. Financial Support Application Form

B.  Returned Checks  
If a prospective participant’s check is returned, it may be re-deposited.  The service charge assessed by WWE’s bank is the participant’s responsibility and must be paid and cleared before the WWW or WWE event.  

C.  Credit Card/Electronic Payment Service Fees  
A fee is charged to WWE for the processing of any electronic payment. Due to the non-profit status of WWE, the organization cannot absorb the cost of processing fees and therefore must be paid by the payee.  

D.  Cancellations and No Shows
There are substantial costs associated with processing registrations for the WWW and other WWE events. If a prospective participant cancels within five days of the WWW, she must request a refund (minus the $150 deposit).  The request must be made in writing to the WWE Administrator and is at the discretion of the WWE Board of Directors.

E.  Payment Plans
Participants may request a payment plan to pay the balance of their workshop cost.  The payment plan will divide the balance into two or five parts and be charged/paid monthly for the subsequent months following the workshop.  Inquiries and requests should be directed to the WWE Administrator. 

F.  Workshop fee must be paid in full by the Friday prior to the start of the event.

G.  Financial support - If you wish to apply for financial support click here. You must submit your registration and pay your $150 deposit before being considered for financial support. If you have any question contact, info@womanwithineasternusa.org. 

I have read and understand the above fee payment policy *
Available payment methods:
VENMO - @WomanWithinEasternUSA
ZELLE -   wweUSAtreasurer@gmail.com
PAYPAL - Woman Within Eastern USA - PayPal
CHECK -  Made out to: Woman Within Eastern USA -  Mailed to: Clémence Briffeuil at 791 Pennsylvania Ave, Wallingford PA 19086

This information will also be provided in the follow-up email which you will receive once you have submitted this form.

How did you hear about us?
I understand that by signing my name below, I agree that all information provided in this form is true and correct.  Please type your name and date below representing your signature.
Full name *
Date *
Thank you!
Thank you for registering and taking the time to thoughtfully share; this information helps us to prepare for your arrival. Please be sure to click the "submit" button below once your registration is complete.  We look forward to seeing you at your Weekend.  
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