Chatbot Partner Application
botgig is organizing the top chatbot developers in the world.
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Are you a solo developer or do you represent a team of developers? *
Have you built a chatbot before? *
If you have built a chatbot: Please describe the chatbots you have built, who you built them for, and provide links to the chatbots if they are live.
What technologies did you use to build your bot(s)? *
Which of these platforms have you built bots for? *
Do you have experience with building AI/machine learning into a chatbot? (don't worry if you don't) *
If you have built bots already: Would you like us to list the chatbots you created on *
Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Your Twitter
Your Portfolio or Website
Your Home Base Location
How many years of experience do you have? *
What excites you about bots?
Are you interested in being contracted to build chatbots? *
When are you able to take on new gigs? *
Do you have any other questions or comments?
We are so excited to work with you.
The bot revolution has begun.
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