Unmet Transit Needs Survey and Comment Form 2025
Kern Transit welcomes your comments regarding any unmet transit needs.
There are 17 questions - all optional. The survey should take between 5-10 minutes. 
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Do you use public transit in Kern County?
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If yes, which of the following public transit services do you use?
If no to Question #1, what is the main reason for NOT using public transit?
How often do you use Kern Transit?
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How long have you been using Kern Transit?
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Which fixed routes do you or would you use?
Do you use Dial-A-Ride services? If yes, which one(s)?
Do you travel by train? If yes, which one(s)?
Please select the activities for which you use public transportation:
Where do you find information about transit schedules, routes, bus stops, fares, etc.?
What mobile apps or websites do you use to obtain the most up-to-date service information? (If any)
If bus service were not available, how would you make your trip?
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How old are you?
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What ZIP code do you live in?
Please describe your transit needs that you feel are not being met:
Any other comments or questions?
If you wish to be notified of additional information and updates from Kern Transit services, please provide your preferred contact information below. (Name, Phone and/or Email Address)
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