Positive Parenting Virtual Seminars and Discussion Group for 0-12
These Triple P - Positive Parenting Program seminars and discussion groups will provide parents of children ages 0-12 with a toolbox of strategies to raise confident and healthy children, build strong family relationships, manage misbehavior, and prevent problems from happening in the first place.
Participate virtually from the comfort of your own home and walk away with more knowledge and confidence as a parent! Attend any or all of the classes at no cost to you.

Contact instructors with any questions:
Barron County: Missy Bablick: missy.bablick@wisc.edu or 715-788-6217

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Participant(s) name(s) *
How do you intend to use this class *
Full mailing address including city state and zip code *
Phone Number *
County of residence or tribal affiliation *
Please select the dates you are registering for *
Please select the time of the class you are registering for: *
Please check the seminars and discussion groups you would like to register for. *
Do you require any language, audio or video accomodations in order to successfully participate in this program?  (if any are selected we will contact you to make arrangements) *
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