Connect with Kootenay & Boundary Farm Advisors
The Kootenay & Boundary Farm Advisors (KBFA) provides producers with free, technical production support and information from a network of specialized resources, including independent consultants and academics.

Please fill in the questions below to connect with a KBFA advisor, book a farm visit, or just to introduce yourself. Thank you!
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Contact Information
Names *
Your name and the full (first and last) names of other owners or managers (separated by commas).
Phone Number *
The best number to reach you (in this format: 250-123-4567)
Email *
A confirmation email will be sent when you submit this form.
Years of Farming Experience *
How many years have you farmed products for sale? Please do not include experience growing for personal consumption.
Farm Websites (Optional)
What organizations or associations are you (or your farm) a member of? What role do you have? (E.g. certification organizations, producer associations, advocacy groups, etc.)
Your Farm
Farm Name *
The farm's business name or "doing business as", or "No name" if it doesn't have one.
Nearest Town/Village *
Farm Street Address(es) *
Please include all farm locations, including leased land, or "No land" if you have none.
Acreage Farmed *
Please sum the total number of acres farmed at all locations.
Farm Description *
Please select all that apply to your farm's current or planned operations, or give your own description:
How can KBFA serve you? (Optional)
The following questions are optional. Our goal is to better understand your needs. Thank you!
I want to...
Select all that apply:
How can KBFA support you?
What production issues or ideas would you like to discuss with an advisor on the phone or during a farm visit?
What else would you like us to know about your farm or your experience?
Thank you for signing up for KBFA services.
A confirmation email will be sent when this form is submitted.
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