Biodiversity Net Gains (BNG) - BIM Toolkit
The UK Government has announced new English developments will be required to demonstrate a 10% increase in biodiversity on or near development sites from 2021. Based on the Biodiversity Metric 2.0 Beta, we are developing a Building Information Model (BIM) toolkit and case study measuring and visualising options for biodiversity losses and gains. We would be very appreciative of your kind support with this research by sending your responses.

We will host an MS TEAMS focus group meeting 10am-11am on the 26th November 2020 to discuss the survey results.

Kind regards,

Yan, Carolyn and Tim

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1. BNG is principally carried out by ecologists to establish existing ‘Baseline’ biodiversity scores.
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2. Setting Post-intervention (Post-development) targets is currently carried out with design teams and ecologists working in collaboration.
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3. BNG requires data input from a wide range of sources including GIS and CAD/BIM solutions.
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4. BNG would be better delivered if incorporated into standard BIM project workflows as part of CDE.
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5. A centralised open source, online tool for recording and calculating BNG between design teams, ecologists and other stakeholders would be beneficial.
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6. Do you think 10% BNG is possible?
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7. Do you think 10% BNG should be compulsory?
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8. Any other suggestions to automate processes and BNG BIM toolkit?
9. Would you participate in a focus group discussion about NTU city campus case study using beta version of CSD Artisan RV software?
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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