ODU Libraries E-resource Troubleshooting Request
Are you having difficulty accessing an electronic resource provided by Old Dominion University Libraries? Please use this form to let us know, and we will respond if requested.  We monitor the form M-F 8:00am-5:00pm, excluding university closings.

For a faster resolution, please try these remote troubleshooting steps before submitting a request:

  • Clear browser cookies (On most desktop browsers, Ctrl+Shift+Delete (Windows) or Cmd+Shift+Delete (Mac) will bring up a menu to allow this; on mobile you can usually find "History" in or near the "Settings" for your browser)
  • Clear browser cache (Ctrl-F5 or Cmd-F5)
  • Check if cookies are enabled in your browser settings - cookies are files that websites use to recognize and track you, and are required for most off-campus access to resources
  • Try a different browser 
  • Try a different path (For example, if you found a journal article through Monarch OneSearch, try using the Journals A-Z list to find the journal and then find the article)
  • Restart your device (Turn it off and on again)
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