Would you be interested in using a new  Thame Community & Youth Centre?
Thame Town Council has been working to develop plans for a Community & Youth Centre. The centre achieved planning permission in July 2023. We are currently consulting on how the centre will be run and used by the local community and youth so we are able to develop more detailed plans and fundraise.

We are inviting organisations, businesses and individuals who would be interested in using the space to fill out this survey. This is to help Thame Town Council assess the space needs of the local community and youth.

Whether you are a voluntary group interested in putting on social activities or events for the community, a sports group looking for changing rooms or an independent catering business interested in running a café or kiosk, we want to hear from you! The space will also be open to local residents who may wish to hire the space for private parties or meetings. 

Submitting a response to the survey does not commit us to renting or hiring space to you in the future but we will be in touch with you to have further discussions if we can accommodate your space needs in the centre.  

If you have any questions about this form please get in touch with: info@thametowncouncil.gov.uk 

All information collected in this form will be kept confidential and will not be passed on to any third parties in line with Thame Town Council's data protection policy

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