NYO Application 2017-2018 Season (for NEW MEMBERS)
This application is for New Members only, not for continuing members.

Please do not use all upper or all lower case to complete the text part of this application. Incorrect examples: JERRY JONES or jerry jones. Correct example Jerry Jones.

If you are a continuing NYO member, please use the link below to complete the correct online application

Thank you.:
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Student Membership Status *
This application is for new members only, not for continuing members.
Instrument for Audition *
Auditioning Ensemble *
Auditioning for Principal Position *
Birthdate *
Student Gender *
Student First and Last Name *
Exactly as you would like it to be put on the roster, concert program and will be used in rehearsals.
Student Contact Email
Only if it is different than the parents contact email
Contact Parent Full Name *
Must be parent or guardian who will be receiving and respond to all emails and calls
Parent Contact Phone # *
Please put in hyphens between numbers: Correct Example 222-333-4444,  Incorrect Examples 2223334444 or (222) 333-4444
Parent Contact Email *
Private Teacher Name *
Private Teacher Email *
School Music Teacher/Conductor
School Attending in 2017-2018 *
Student High School Graduation Date
Complete this only if the student will be in high school for the 2016-2017 season
Home Street Address *
Apt #
City *
Zip Code *
How did you find about NYO? *
Use the "other" text box to write in NYO Member who recommended you if you are using mobile site.
Name of NYO Member Recommendation
If you were recommended by a NYO member, please enter the full name of that "Student Member" below so he or she may receive proper credit. Thank you.
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