Community Fruit Hamilton Registration Form
Hi! Thanks for being willing to help. Please fill in the below details if you a) want to volunteer your help (i.e. picking, preserving, driving, organising), b) want to donate (i.e. fruit, jam jars, other resources), c) know someone (or a group) who would benefit from receiving our help.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Please provide us with at least ONE form of contact
...But the more the better.

CFH WILL NOT sell or give away any collected information
Email address
Home phone number
(i.e. land line)
Mobile phone number
for texting and mobile contact
Preferred contact method *
If Facebook is your preferred contact method please "Like" our page
Which part of Hamilton (or the Waikato) do you live in? *
e.g. Pukete, Dinsdale, Hamilton East (please be specific - not just 'North')
How did you hear about our organization?
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In what way(s) would you like to help? *
Please select 'Other' if you are offering more that one of the options, or select the MAIN option you want to do and tell us about any other you are interest in at the end of the form
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