10th Annual Black Unicorn Marathoners Celebrate and Connect Event

We are excited to Celebrate and Connect with you for our 10th Annual Boston Marathon Meetup Event!

WHEN:  Saturday, April 13, 2024

TIME:  2:00pm - 7:00pm ET

The Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center
1350 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02120

ADA:  Accessible Facility

Transportation:  Orange Line to Roxbury Crossing Station, Lyft, Uber, 2.2 mile run or walk from the Boston Marathon Finish Line & Copley Square.

RSVPs are required for all who are participating in the 2024 Procession of the Boston Marathon Athletes.

RSVPs are encouraged for all attendees so that we can plan for seating and giveaways.  Please email info@BlackUnicornMarathoners.org if you have a large group that will be attending.

Note for Athletes: Availability of shirts and other items cannot be guaranteed after 3/31/2024.
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Due to Covid restrictions and local guidelines, all attendees must adhere to local and Boston Marathon guidelines. Masks are not required but encouraged for City of Boston & Commonwealth of MA facilities.
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