Purdue's Physics Inside Out is an on-campus day program for students in grades 7 and 8..
Want to get on the waitlist for early registrations? Here is your chance!
Four days exploring fascinating physics, awesome astronomy and learning and doing from entertaining experts in their fields. Students will have opportunities to make cool stuff, do cool experiments, use fancy tools, and discover that you, too can enjoy science!
There is no cost to participate in PIO, and we will even feed you! Lunch will be provided each day, free of charge, in one of Purdue's campus dining facilities. Our escorted walks to and from lunch will provide additional opportunities for you to explore and experience campus life at Purdue.
In PIO, you will have plenty of opportunities to ask your burning questions about anything physics and astronomy, visit research labs, learn about the background, significant people and places in science, and real and potential impact of scientific discoveries.
If you are a current 7th or 8th grade student right now, and would like the opportunity to know about PIO 2025 in advance of others, the fill in your information below. We will send you an invitation to consider registering for PIO next spring.
Questions may be addressed to Dr. David Sederberg, Purdue Physics and Astronomy Outreach Coordinator, dsederbe@purdue.edu.