Doe Run PTO Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in helping the Doe Run PTO for the 2023-24 school year. Our PTO is 100% volunteer run so we greatly appreciate any help you are able to contribute! Please select all activities that you are interested in helping with this school year, so we can contact you first before the rest of the school. This form does NOT obligate you in any way. The PTO will contact you with volunteer opportunities pertaining to your interests. Please only fill out one form. 
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Your Name (First and Last) *
Your email address *
Phone number *
Students Name(s) *
Grade (you may select more than one) *
Teacher (you may select more than one) *
Are you willing to be a Room Parent for your child's class?
*A room parent helps coordinate class parties and serves as a liaison between the teacher/PTO and families.*
Fall Picture Day (9/26/23):
Outdoor Movie Night (9/29/23):
Fall Book Fair (9/29/23 - 10/6/23):
Race for Education (10/19/23; rain date 10/20/23):
Fall Teacher Conference Meals (11/20/23 & 11/21/23):
Holiday Craft (12/8/23):
Elementary Science Night (2/8/24):
Bingo Night (2/22/24):
Spring Book Fair (2/16/24 - 2/23/24):
Spring Pictures (TBD - Early March):
Spring Teacher Conference Meals (3/6/24 & 3/7/24):
Mother (VIP)/Son Night (3/22/24)
Daddy (VIP)/Daughter Dance (4/19/24):
Staff Appreciation Week (5/6/24 - 5/10/24):
Carnival (5/17/24):
4th Grade Graduation Celebration (6/7/24):
*We are asking non-4th grade parents to cover this event so our 4th grade parents can participate the day of with their child.*
We invite you to join us for PTO meetings at 6:30pm on the following dates: 9/11/23, 11/6/23, 1/8/24, 3/4/24, 5/6/24.
Meetings are held in Doe Run Room A101. All are welcome to join - NO membership dues!! Childcare is provided!
Please email us at with any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you!
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