The Feminist Park of Montreal
Welcome to the research project aiming to conceptualise and create the first [Intersectional] Feminist Park in Montreal. 

It is indeed shocking that the physical and mental benefits arising from urban green spaces are gendered, meaning that women* have less access to these than men. Let's change that! 
The Feminist Park Project aims at creating a green intersectional-feminist urban space in Montreal. This is a call to society to imagine a "radical" space for equality, to center the voices which have been pushed to the periphery and to help elevate public spaces to ever greater heights.

“[...] while men are well-catered for in these spaces (e.g., in terms of safety and accessibility), women are often left out in their own needs and preferences [...] some parks because of their amenities, features, and design are seemingly more oriented to men’s needs and preferences, thus being more used by men than women.”  (Fernández Núñez et al., 2022, pp. 5)

There are very few studies that look at disaggregated data by gender and green spaces, expresses Fernandez Núnez and Co. (2022) in their study "Gender and sex differences in urban greenness mental health benefits: A systematic review". According to their research, unequal societal power structures and unfairly constructed gender differences help explain why physical and mental health benefits from urban greenness are alarmingly reduced for women (ibid., 7). Let us deconstruct this together and build a radical green space, because, if women* can move freely through green space, all of society profits. 

People that identify as FINTA* , people with experience of migration, people from the LGBTQAI+ community and BIPoC voices can now be centered.

FINTA: This stands for women, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people experiencing discrimination against in the patriarchy.
BIPoCThis stands for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour


There are 3 blocks in this survey (18 minutes):

Block 1 - Imaging the Feminist Park in Montreal (15 Minutes)
Block 2 - Demographic Information (2 minutes)
Block 3 - Stay Informed/Future Research (1 Minute)

Total time: around 18 Minutes

For more ideas, questions, collaborations and feedback, please contact us via via
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