Annual Evaluation Report for Alternative Schools/Programs of Choice - Parent Survey Informe de Evaluación Anual para Escuelas Alternativas/Programas de Elección - Encuesta para Padres
Email *
My student's teachers care about my student. Los maestros de mi estudiante se preocupan por mi estudiante. *
1 - I Strongly Disagree, 2 - I Somewhat Agree, 3 - I Agree, 4 - I Strongly Agree (1 - Totalmente en desacuerdo, 2 - Algo de acuerdo, 3 - Estoy de acuerdo, 4 - Totalmente de acuerdo)
I strongly Disagree
I strongly Agree
My student's teachers provide an excellent education for my student. Los maestros de mi estudiante brindan una educación excelente para mi estudiante. *
1 - I Strongly Disagree, 2 - I Somewhat Agree, 3 - I Agree, 4 - I Strongly Agree
I strongly Disagree
I strongly Agree
Teachers frequently state clear expectations and expect high quality work from my student. Los maestros con frecuencia expresan expectativas claras y esperan un trabajo de alta calidad de mi estudiante. *
1 - I Strongly Disagree, 2 - I Somewhat Agree, 3 - I Agree, 4 - I Strongly Agree
I strongly Disagree
I strongly Agree
My student's teachers communicate with me regularly about my student's progress. Los maestros de mi estudiante se comunican conmigo regularmente sobre el progreso de mi estudiante. *
1 - I Strongly Disagree, 2 - I Somewhat Agree, 3 - I Agree, 4 - I Strongly Agree
I strongly Disagree
I strongly Agree
The school's program is rigorous and my student is challenged. El programa de la escuela es riguroso y mi estudiante es desafiado. *
1 - I Strongly Disagree, 2 - I Somewhat Agree, 3 - I Agree, 4 - I Strongly Agree
I strongly Disagree
I strongly Agree
My student's school promotes an appreciation for diversity. La escuela de mi estudiante promueve el aprecio por la diversidad. *
1 - I Strongly Disagree, 2 - I Somewhat Agree, 3 - I Agree, 4 - I Strongly Agree
I strongly Disagree
I strongly Agree
My student's school promotes a culture of acceptance. La escuela de mi estudiante promueve una cultura de aceptación. *
1 - I Strongly Disagree, 2 - I Somewhat Agree, 3 - I Agree, 4 - I Strongly Agree
I strongly Disagree
I strongly Agree
My student's school implemented virtual learning successfully. (If applicable) La escuela de mi estudiante implementó con éxito el aprendizaje virtual. (Si es aplicable) *
1 - I Strongly Disagree, 2 - I Somewhat Agree, 3 - I Agree, 4 - I Strongly Agree
I strongly Disagree
I strongly Agree
How do you feel that we could improve Merlo in any of the areas mentioned above? ¿Cómo cree que podríamos mejorar a Merlo en alguna de las áreas mencionadas anteriormente?
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