SW Ohio Tech Prep SuccessBound Inspire Leadership Breakfast Feedback
Thank you for attending today's event and participating in the work of career readiness and future employment for the Greater Cincinnati Region. Please provide us with your feedback regarding your experience.
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Rate the convenience of the venue. Was it centrally located? If you have a suggestion for another venue, please share in the comments at the end of this form.
Very Convenient
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Please rate the content of the program. As a whole, did you feel the speakers and panels provided valuable content related to your work?
Not relevant
Very relevant
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Please provide any written feedback regarding the speakers and panels that participated in the leadership breakfast.
Please rate the ease of asking questions and getting connected to gain further information from the speakers/panels.
Very easy
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Please provide any additional comments regarding the event.
Provide your email address, if you would like to be contacted regarding the information you are submitting.
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