Reflective Insightful Quiz for ALL parents / Teachers (By Aarohi Life Education)
This is not your regular quiz – here for each question / situation you need to give two answers!!
·         One that you normally do (or would have done) – this helps you to become aware of your current thinking (and beliefs). If what you do spans many responses – choose many.
·         Second, choose a response that looks interesting, different – something that you would like to explore, experiment and understand more. Your second response could be same as your first.

Note: We have used either gender randomly – all situations are applicable to both gender children and to both parents. (Visual above is taken from Bill Watterson's 'Calvin and Hobbes' comics)
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1) You get to know that your child has just now told you a lie, is hiding something, and not telling you the right thing.
2) Your child complains that he is being bullied in school / college
3) You want your child to grow into a confident and assertive person.
4) A friend or relative of yours pulls your child's cheeks / hugs the child - while the child is clearly uncomfortable about this physical contact.
5) Your child finds it difficult to do homework or project and is showing no interest in doing it. When questioned she expresses, “I am not good at Writing / Maths etc”
6) Your child is very good at painting and likes to spend a lot of time at it.
7) Your child is very angry / upset with a friend of hers and she is not talking to anybody and instead fighting with her friend.
8) You want to teach the child the right values. You are also not sure what the child is learning from his friends / media
9) What you think is your role / objective as a parent?
Your views / thoughts after doing the quiz - share with us PLEASE
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Quiz by Aarohi Open Learning Community
The idea of this quiz is make you aware that:
  • There are so many ways to respond to any situation / aspect of parenting.
  • While we may aware of many of these - we maybe doing things the way even we do not want to do (kind of habituated or conditioned response - that we don't really like)
  • Some of our beliefs are actually limiting our own children and it would do good to us to look beyond them.
  • Since we all want to be effective and ‘good’ parents - we need to proactively weed-out these stressful ways and replace them with more joyous ways of living life with our children.

Click here to read a brief explanation of each quiz question.
* If you would like to be part of an intense, interesting and invigorating perspective shaking kind of program - that would definitely help you as parent - and in turn make a huge difference to your children - not only for their future - but for their today! Check out our JAGRITI program or email to or Whatsapp Aarohi at 72040-66694
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