Join International Day of Tefillah and Set Aside 18 Minutes to Ignite and Grow the Power of Your Tefillah!
1st Annual International Day of Tefillah - October 3rd ד׳ תשרי

Join 50,000 People, ONE day for 18 minutes and complete 613 books of Tehillim!

What it means when you sign up?
On October 3rd you commit to doing the following:

1. 18-min: Designate 18 minute to read tehillim from the Abraham's Legacy app (available on iTunes and Android: It keeps track in real time of how many chapters have been read, books completed, people and countries reading. See tutorial here:

2. 5-min: Designate 5-minutes to learn a limmud about the power of tefillah (this will be emailed to you when you sign up!)


In addition, after the event you'll also receive:
1. A Yom Kippur poster sure to help you tap into the miraculous opportunity of the day’s prayers;
2. A weekly on-line issue of Praying With Passion, a unique tefillah-building tool that’s upgrading tefillah for thousands of Jews.

Abraham's Legacy is a purely leshem shamayim initiative in memory of Avraham ben Pauline Z'L

This event is being run in partnership with The V'Ani Tefillah Foundation.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Your email will be used to send you the resources
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I commit to designating 18 minutes to read Tehillim from the Abraham's Legacy app + Learning the 5-minute limmud provided to me when I register *
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