Together We Thrive: NoVA Community Resource Day, January 18th
Join us for a family friendly community resource day to bring together our Muslim communities and other neighbors on MLK weekend. Connect to social service resources, legal services, community organizing spaces and more. Attend workshops, enjoy good food, participate in art making and build relationships with new community members.

6408 Edsall Road, Alexandria, VA 22312

This event is being put together by MAS-DC, Project Anar and Muslims for Just Futures
By registering for this event, you are opting into the mailing lists of these organizations

Please reach out to with any questions

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Would you like to register for either of these workshops?
Are there any resources you are looking for? [Please don't share any sensitive information here, e.g. immigration information]
Do you need any language interpretation?
Any other access needs? [e.g. allergies]
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