Inventory of Priorities
Find some "wilderness" time and explore the clutter in your life and heart - where might you make more space for your spirit? For the Holy Spirit?
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What is cluttered in your house?
What is cluttered in your life?
What is cluttered in your heart?
What do you have too much of?
Who might need something you no longer do?
What do you spend most of your time on? Check all that apply
Look at that list - is there anything you'd like to spend more time on? Less?
What do you waste time on?
Where might you redirect some time so it blesses others, and you?
What do you waste money on?
Where might you redirect your money so it blesses others, and you?
What do you waste emotional energy on?
How might you adjust our emotional responses so you and others have more freedom?
Is there anything you've noticed in doing this inventory that you'd like to take action on?
Who do you need to support you in this action?
Are you willing to let the Spirit help you de-clutter?
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