CSG Assessment
Challenge and Support Group Assessment
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As you look back over the 3 sessions, what couple of words best captures your experience?
How did you find the pre-CSG communication?
Had no real idea of what I had signed up for
Had enough information
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How could we improve the CSG communication?
How did you find the Quiz?
good - had just the right level of challenge
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Any comments about the Quiz?
In the sessions we heard each other's evangelism challenges and how they were going, watched a short video of Al Stewart, worked out what we would like accountability for, and prayed together. Any comments on any of these components?
Are there ways we can improve the 3 sessions overall?
Did the sessions together make a difference in between meeting times? (Please be honest)
Do you have any evangelism challenge related stories to share? (for CSG promotional purposes - you can be anonymous)
Would you recommend the new and improved CSG to a friend?
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Why would (or why wouldn't) you recommend it?
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