Extra Yard for Teachers Nomination Form
The College Football Playoff Foundation’s primary philanthropic initiative, Extra Yard for Teachers, elevates the teaching profession by inspiring and empowering teachers through the implementation of programs in four focus areas: resources, recognition, recruitment and professional development.

Through Extra Yard for Teachers initiative, the Military Bowl will provide grants to deserving public school teachers for use in their classrooms and for their students. Preference will be given to teachers who are veterans or from military families as well as to teachers who serve communities with significant military populations.

Nominations and submissions for the grants can be made through September 30. Selected teachers will be honored at the Military Bowl game on Saturday, December 28 at Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium.
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Teacher Name *
Teacher School *
Grade Level/Subject Taught *
Teacher Email *
Teacher Phone Number *
School District *
Years of teaching experience *
Why are you nominating this teacher? *
Is the teacher a veteran, have family in the military, serve in communities with a significant military populations, or have any affiliation with the military? *
If applicable, please provide details of the teacher's military connection.
Do you know of any specific needs this grant would fulfill for the teacher? 
Name of person making nomination *
Your email *
Your Phone Number *
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