HCC Testing & Workforce Certification Center Satisfaction Survey
In order to help us improve the quality of our testing center services, please complete the following anonymous survey.
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Which exam did you complete today?
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Please rate the quality of your experience with the following services and features.
Testing Center website general information
Online test scheduling and payment
Receiving information by phone
Receiving information in person
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Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.
Strongly Agree
Strongly disagree
Testing Center staff professionalism
Testing Center staff knowledge
Testing Center staff customer service
Exam policies were accurately explained by staff
Testing Center hours serve my needs
Overall testing experience was positive
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What aspects of our services did you find to be most helpful?
Have you had any unsatisfactory experiences with our services? If so, please describe.
Any additional comments?
What is your gender?
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What is your age?
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What is your education classification?
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