The Keeper Program HS Mentee Application
Please answer the following as clearly and honest as possible. We will do our best to match you with a mentor who has similar interests and who we think will be a good role model for you this upcoming year. You should meet with your mentor at least two times a month and try to attend the group activities each month. 
Did you have a mentor before our program? *
Name *
Would you like to be a mentor to middle school kids or would you like to be mentored by college students, volunteers with community careers, etc?
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Grade *
Address (including city and zip code)
Child's Mobile Number
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Number
Child's Email Address
Parent Email Address
Why do you want a mentor? (tutoring, advice, friendship, to learn and prepare for college, career exploration, someone to hang out with, etc)
What kind of person would you like your mentor to be?
What are three words that would best describe you?
Describe three things that you are good at.
Is there anything that you would change about yourself?
What clubs, activities, or sports are you in now or will be participating in this year?
What kind of activities would you like to do with the program?
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