Study Abroad Presentation Request
Study Abroad is truly a life-changing experience; therefore, we are always happy to come to your classrooms, departments, and meetings to talk to students about the different programs available at Webster, and how they can participate in (and afford!) these experiences.

To schedule a class visit, speaking engagement, or student organization presentation, please fill out the form below.
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Name: *
Department/Organization: *
Email address: *
Phone number:
Course Code, Section Number and Title *
Preferred date and time: *
(ex. Aug 20 11 a.m.)
Alternative Date: *
Location: *
Building and Room Number
Does this location allow for a PowerPoint presentation? *
Preferred length of presentation: *
Approximately how many students will be present? *
Details of your request: *
Please give us a brief summary of what you'd like to be included in the presentation (general study abroad opportunities, program or campus specific, etc.).  
Are there any other courses you'd like for us to visit?
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If yes, please include the course number/title, location, date, time and any other relevant details below.
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