Recommendations towards the questions in drafted agenda of meeting between MGoS and ECOSOC President
The meeting between the ECOSOC President and HLPF Coordination mechanism of the Major Groups and Other Stakeholders has been scheduled on 14 February from 10am to 11am.

Deadline to submit your recommendations for inputs: 8 February, COB NYC time
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1. How should the HLPF 2017 programme be structured in order to allow for deeper analysis of specific SDGs and targets, as well as review of the interlinkages?
Maximum: 500 characters
2. How will the HLPF take into account the thematic reviews from organizations of the United Nations system and other intergovernmental decisions and resolutions in order to arrive at recommendations for moving forward? Will there be an agenda item to address issues raised in those reports and decisions?
Maximum: 500 characters
3. What opportunities could be created for interactive exchanges among governments, stakeholders, UN Entities on reports, good practices, opportunities and challenges regarding the specific goals under review?
Maximum: 500 characters
4. How could recommendations from the HLPF be brought back to the regional, national, and local level?
Maximum: 500 characters
5. How can the programme of work be organized in a way that maximizes the opportunity for dialogue between countries presenting their national reviews and other Member States and Major Groups and other Stakeholders? What additional opportunities or formats need to be created to facilitate this dialogue? How can the participation of MGoS on VNR presentations be enhanced?
Maximum: 500 characters
6. What are the expected outcomes of the voluntary national reviews? What do reporting Member States expect in terms of way forward, recommendations and guidance from the HLPF?
Maximum: 500 characters
7. What actions are needed to enhance the engagement and reverse the challenges faced by MGoS in their participation and contribution towards implementation, reporting, review and follow up of member states and its involvement in the HLPF?
Maximum: 500 characters
8. What strategies could be put in place to address funding and structural barriers constraining MGoS participation at the HLPF and to create measures to strengthen participation, voices and experience of the most vulnerable and marginalized, those that the Forum is committed not to leave behind?
Maximum: 500 characters
9. How can participation modalities be enriched to improve the quality of discussions and create spaces for constructive engagement, problem-solving and the exchange of good practice?
Maximum: 500 characters
10. How can the voluntary reports of MGoS be meaningfully considered at the HLPF in accordance with para 89 of the agenda? What spaces can be created for those reports to be collected and considered?
Maximum: 500 characters
11. Any comments on the Background Note ?
Maximum: 500 characters
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