Sachem Library Volunteer Fair Application
Saturday  April 25, 2020  |  10am-1pm

Meet adults and teens who are eager to give back to their community! Staff a table at our 7th Annual Volunteer Fair.

The Library will supply a 6-foot table and two chairs. You may arrive as early as 9:30am to set up, when the library opens. You are expected to remain until the Fair ends at 1pm.  You are responsible for a tablecloth and signage for your table, as well as any handouts.

Thanks for helping us make this event a success!
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name
Name of Organization *
Address of Organization *
Phone number *
Your initials below confirm that a representative from your nonprofit organization will attend the Sachem Library Volunteer Fair on Saturday, September 28 from 10:30am to 1:30pm, and will remain for the full two hours. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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