Contact information
Dr. Heidi Henrickson specializes in challenges related to lactation and feeding. This includes issues affecting the infant like painful latch and low milk transfer as well as maternal issues like clogged ducts, milk blebs and nipple tissue damage from poor latch.  Let's figure out if you are a good candidate for a lactation evaluation with Dr. Heidi.  Once your info is submitted, you will be contacted by her office within 24 hours.  CHECK YOUR EMAIL JUNK BOX if you selected email communication.   We will check your insurance coverage provided to determine what will be covered or  we will ask you to get preapproval.  All visits are held at Dr. Henrickson's office in Woburn, MA.
Email *
Lactating parent's first and last name *
Lactating parent's date of birth *
Infant's first and last name *
Infant's date of birth *
Parent cell number *
Description of the lactation related problem you are seeking help for *
Please list the health insurance company and policy number for the lactating parent. *
Please list the health insurance company and policy number for the baby.  *
How did you hear about our lactation services? *
How soon do you need an appointment? *
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