Learning Analysis
Answer the questions below and I will analyse your answers carefully and make some recommendations for you about how to best achieve your learning goals.

Please add as much detail as possible to your answer. This will allow me to give you an analysis that will be useful and could save you huge amounts of time in your learning journey.

I do spend a lot of time to give people the best guidance - you will not receive some randomly generated answer.
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Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Address *
Do you schedule your study time each week and set specific learning goals to each study session?
Do you plan your study of difficult hard to learn tasks at time when you will be most alert and less likely to be interrupted?
Do you set long, medium and short time study goals?
Have you one area where you study and are not likely to be interrupted?
Have you built up your ability to concentrate on one task for at least 20 minutes?
Do you organise your notes in a structure that is easy to learn?
Do you include in your study schedule time to predict questions that might come up given previous questions on past papers?
Do you have a consistent bedtime and time that you get up and manage 8 hours sleep each night?
Do you schedule time to analyse the structure of past paper exams so that you know what to expect?
Have you developed a plan for answering each of the different types of questions that come up? For example, extended writing questions, calculations and definations?
What age will the student be in October? *
Giving as much detail as possible, how do you normally memorise information? How long does it take? *
How would your rate your mathematical ability? *
Is there any school subject you like doing so much that you don't notice time going by? *
How much time per week do you plan on working on your learning? *
What do you find most frustrating when you are trying to learn something? *
Do you use any of the following revision methods *
What do you think is the best length of time for  a study session? *
Do you use your imagination when trying to learn new material? *
Please detail any frustrations and problems you have with learning here. *
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