Temple EM Advanced Rotation - Optional Health Equity Concentration and Scholarship Application 

Welcome to TempleEM!

We offer an advanced EM rotation for fourth year medical students interested in emergency medicine. The visiting student rotation application must first be completed in VSLO.

In addition we offer the following:

1. An optional health equity concentration for visiting students who are interested in learning more about social/structural determinants of health and healthcare disparities that affect the communities we serve as emergency medicine physicians. The concentration includes both didactic and clinical experiences. This is open to all interested students. 

2. A limited number of scholarships up to $1000 for visiting students who are from groups underrepresented in medicine (URiM). This is open only to students who are from groups underrepresented in medicine. You do not need to participate in the health equity concentration to be eligible for the scholarship.

Please apply for one or both of these opportunities below after completing your VSLO application.


Visit templeem.com for more information about our program!

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First and Last Name
What are you applying for? *

If applicable, please explain why you wish to participate in the Advanced Temple EM Rotation with a concentration in Health Equity

Briefly describe how your background and experiences have influenced the type of physician you want to be and the type of community you want to serve


If applicable, please describe how the scholarship will help you participate in this rotation and/or advance your career

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