Design for Diversity: Post-forum Survey 2017
Design for Diversity Opening Forum
Northeastern University, Boston MA
October 16-17, 8:30-5:30

Thank you so much for participating in our opening forum! Your feedback will help us with future aspects of this project and associated events. If you want to continue to follow this project, don’t forget to sign up for our email list ( or follow us on Twitter (@Des4Div.)

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How did the overall organization of the forum (e.g. the balance between reflection, discussion, and other activities) feel to you? Would you make any changes?
Were there any logistical problems with the forum, or any other problems that made your attendance difficult, either in-person or online?
Were there issues that were particularly difficult to talk about? If so, please share the issue and explain what made it difficult to discuss (if you feel comfortable doing so).
Regarding the difficult issues listed above, do you have comments on how those issues were handled, or suggestions on how to handle those issues better in the future?
What topics did we miss, and what topics should we have covered in more detail?
What do you think are the most important features the Toolkit needs to have?
Who do you think would use this Toolkit? Where would it already be useful, and where might it be useful if it were modified in some way?
Thank you for taking the time to fill this survey out! Please let us know if you have any additional comments.
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