Tutorial Suggestions
After viewing our data and visiting our website, we would like you to fill out this form for the sake of the site's improvement and to make your future visits to the site more organized and accessible.(This form does not collect any personal data.)
What age category do you fall in? *
Is the site organized/accessible? (Meaning that all the different pages are easy to find and the tutorials are easy to interpret.) *
Extremely inaccessible
Extremely accessible
Have you had any problem while following the tutorial? (e.g. Getting stuck, having difficulty in navigating the application, etc.). If so, please do inform us on the issue so we can rectify it
What other platforms would you suggest for tutorials? *
What other ventures do you suggest we work towards? *
How would you rate our site? (From 1-10.) *
If you have any more helpful insights to provide, please enter them here
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