Hello, Hola, Hallo, 你好, नमस्ते, Bonjour, أهلا, Привет,
For the first time ever participants of the LEAP YOUth 2022 which took place from February until December 2022 put into practice what they have learned during the LEAP and share their knowledge with the outside world with the: LEAP YOUth Summit 2023. They are going to introduce you to the five Inner Development Goals (IDGs) - Being, Thinking, Relating, Collaborating and Acting - through different workshops. The workshops are going to take place online from Feb, 18th to Feb, 25th 2023.
What is the LEAP YOUth? It’s a 10-month transformational leadership programme organized by oikos International focusing on building capacity in the oikos community with the necessary competencies, qualities, practices, tools and global network to become conscious leaders in the co-creation of thriving and sustainable societies using the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) framework as main content.
If you want to know more about our program take a look at our homepage: LEAP YOUth - oikos International (oikos-international.org)
There are going to be 5 separate but strongly interconnected workshops (each about 2h) based on the 5 IDGs. All the workshops offered in the LEAP YOUth Summit are free of charge. Since we want to continue offering the program to future students for free we encourage you with the following link: Donations for LEAP YOUth Summit - Global Giving to donate in this program. The workshops will always take place online (via Zoom). Once registered, you’ll get the invitation links for ALL WORKSHOPS. Not mandatory, but we encourage participation in each of these as the journey is organised and designed interrelatedly:
- BEING - Connect with yourself (Saturday, 18th February from 3-5pm CET)
- THINKING - Driving change with the IDG Thinking in our life (Sunday, 19th February from 5-7pm CET)
- RELATING - Caring for Others and the World (Tuesday, 21st February from 5-7pm CET)
- COLLABORATING - From Individual to Organization - what can be achieve working together (Thursday, 23rd February from 5-7pm CET)
- ACTING - Experience the unconventional ACT (Saturday, 25th February from 3-4pm CET)
The Opening Ceremony will take place at Saturday, 18th February from 2-3pm (CET) and the Closing Ceremony will take place at Saturday, 25th February from 5 - 5.30 pm (CET).
Best Wishes,
LEAP YOUth Summit Organising Team
Follow us on social media to keep yourself posted on updates about our LEAP YOUth Summit and the LEAP YOUth program of 2023! (You can still apply here).