Summer Beit Midrash 2023 Application
Thank you for your interest in SBM 2023! The program is planned to take place from 6 pm July 2, 2023 through 11 am August 11, 2023 in beautiful Sharon, MA
Within a week of receiving your completed application, we'll contact you to arrange a phone interview. The interview will start with a text you've prepared in advance, and move from there to other texts and topics. The application is intended to create a basis for serious conversation.

SBM practices rolling admissions. We try to get back to you within two weeks of the interview, and encourage you to contact us if there is any delay.  

Attendees will sign a contract and a medical form attesting to willingness and ability to be a full participant in the program, and to abide by all regulations of the program.

If you have any practical considerations, questions, or concerns, please feel free to email

I'm really looking forward to getting to know you and to learning together!

Rabbi Aryeh Klapper
Rosh Beit Midrash

SBM's standard schedule includes M-Th from 8:30 - 12 (main shiur prep), 12:45 - 2:30 (main shiur), 3:45 - 6 (guest shiurim, chaburot, chazoroh shiur, prep for teaching, community chavrutot), plus a night seder (Rabbi Klapper's community shiurim with chavruta, guest community shiurim, prep for teaching, communuty chavrutot, chaburot). Fridays there is one seder until noon.  

Here is a glossary of SBM fellowships:

Senior Fellows
Men and women who have advanced skills in learning and  knowledge of rabbinic texts, and who are excellent role models for Fellows and the Sharon community. Applicants are generally rising college seniors or above.
A Senior Fellowship includes free room and board, travel subsidies up to $100, plus a $1000 Fellowship payable after receipt of the responsum. SBM will also cover any expenses incurred on behalf of the program.

*Participate fully in all sedarim, activities, and discussions.
*Support the learning of Fellows and Associates, and provide mentorship as appropriate
*Participate in regular chavrutot with community members
*Teach regularly on behalf of the program
*Attend at least 2 Shabbatonim in Sharon or nearby Jewish communities as necessary for the program. You may designate one out-Shabbat. We ask that you be available on other Shabbatot if possible and needed for the program. You are welcome to stay in Sharon for Shabbat in any case.  
*With your chavruta, write a summary of one week's learning on our main theme. This will be edited by Rabbi Klapper and sent out as the Center for Modern Leadership's weekly Torah essay.
*Write a publishable responsum to the fact-pattern presented at the end of the program.
The last week of the program will be spent writing and presenting these responsa. A draft is due before you leave Sharon from the program. A final version must be submitted by the end of Elul.

Men and women able to prepare rabbinic texts independently and committed to halakhic observance within Orthodox parameters.
A Fellowship includes free room and board, travel subsidies up to $100, plus a $500 Fellowship payable after receipt of the responsum. SBM will also cover any expenses incurred on behalf of the program.

*Participate fully in all sedarim, activities and discussions.
*Participate in regular chavrutot with community members
*Speak or teach publicly 2-4 times on behalf of the program.
*Attend at least 2 Shabbatonim in Sharon or nearby Jewish communities as necessary for the program. Each fellow may designate one out-Shabbat. We ask that you be available on other Shabbatot if possible and needed for the program. You are welcome to stay in Sharon for Shabbat in any case.  
*With your chavruta, write a summary of one week's learning on our main theme. This will be edited by Rabbi Klapper and sent out as the Center for Modern Leadership's weekly Torah essay.
*Write a publishable responsum to the fact-pattern presented at the end of the program.
The last week of the program will be spent writing and presenting these responsa.  A draft is due before you leave Sharon from the program. A final version must be submitted by the end of Elul.

Men and women with the capacity to follow traditional halakhic argumentation and the ability to prepare rabbinic texts with some assistance.
Food will be provided; housing depends on availability. Stipends are not available, but work-study type arrangements are possible. A virtual option may be available.

*Prepare for and participate in the main shiur, and in other activities as arranged based on individual circumstances.

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