Challenge Horse Application from Rescue Organization  
to Transfer or Submit a Horse for the 2025 Heart of Horse Trainers Challenge 
Email *

Organization Name


Is your organization a registered 501c3 non-profit?



If you are a 501c3, what is your EIN#?



Contact name (first and last) and title in organization


Phone Number


Does your organization have a web site or any social media accounts? (If yes, please list them)


Does this horse appear in any of your media? (If yes, please list where)


What is the name of the horse?


What breed (or breed cross) is the horse?


What age is the horse?


What sex is the horse?


How tall is the horse in inches? (Measure if possible - with the horse standing square on even ground, measure from the ground to the top of the withers)



Is the horse halter trained?


Does the horse have any ground or saddle training? (If yes, please describe what type of training and how long it has been since the horse received that training.)


Please describe your perception of the horse’s personality, specifically its behavior around people (friendly? curious? fearful? aggressive? calm? nervous?, etc.)


Please describe the horse’s behavior around other horses (dominant?, submissive?, studdy around mares? buddy sour? aggressive?, etc.)


Is the horse sound? (give specific information about any lameness, hoof issues, prior injuries that may effect the horse when it is put to work and ridden, etc.)


Is the horse in good condition and healthy? (Give specific information on any ailments or health problems, such as allergies, heaves, eye problems, history of choke or colic, etc.)


Does the horse have any bad habits or vices? (Such as cribbing, weaving, pawing, pulling back, etc. Please specify)



How long have you had this horse in your rescue?



How did the horse come to be in your rescue? (Please give details such as owner surrender, law enforcement case, stray, auction, kill pen, etc.)


What do you plan to do if this horse is selected to be a Heart of the Horse Trainers Challenge Horse?


Submit at least 4 full body photos of the horse taken with the horse standing on level ground (one from each side, one from the front, and one from behind). Email the photos to Heart of the Horse Trainers Challenge


Submit at least one video showing the horse walking, trotting (or gaiting) and cantering. You may submit several shorter videos if you have difficulty getting the horse to display all three gaits in one video. Email those videos to Heart of the Horse Trainers Challenge (Due to file size, please use a .zip file or send a YouTube link to your video)


Your signature below indicates that you are aware that only a limited number of horses will be chosen for the Heart of the Horse Trainers Challenge, and that application does not guarantee selection of your horse. You further agree that, if selected, the horse must have current negative Coggins and vaccinations at the time of delivery for the the HOH Trainers Challenge.

Signature (type name to indicate agreement)

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