Join CJI. Apply for a General Membership
Submit an application to join CJI as a General Member.
1. Members will receive a Combat Judo International Identification Card that reflects your full name, date of birth, country of residency, current rank, and the date of card issuance.

2. Members will gain access to wholesale pricing on martial arts merchandise program.

3. Black Belt Certificates of Rank and Letter of Dojo/Academy or School Membership.

4. Academy listed as ‘Certified Training Academy’ on the official CJI website.

5. Substantially discounted pricing to quarterly and annual Combat Judo International seminars and workshops. Our members will receive an invitation to train under some of the respected and credentialled martial art masters and grand masters alive today.

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Full Legal Name *
First, Middle & Last Name
Email Address *
Phone Number (with area code) *
Date of Birth
Gender (Male or Female)
Auswahl löschen
Years of Martial Arts Experience
Primary Martial Art Style(s) Or System
Highest Rank or Degree Earned in Martial Arts
If Your System/Art or Instructor Does Not Award a Rank Certificate, Please Explain What Makes You A Qualified Personal Combatives Instructor?
Name of Your Instructors or Organizations That Awarded You With Black Belt Rank or Instructor Credentials
Provide the Full Name, Email Address & Phone Number of Your Primary Instructor or Instructors
Name, Address & Location of Where You Currently Teach Students
Current City or Town of Resident
State or Jurisdiction
Country of Residence
Provide a Link To Your Website or Facebook Page That Features Your Martial Arts Biography or CV-Resume
Submit Your Cover Letter or CV-Resume If You Wish (not required)
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