Social Media Requests
If you would like an event, meeting, announcement, etc to be seen publicly on the MAEA's social media outlets please fill out the information below. We will not post MAEA Zoom or Meet links to avoid "bombers" from entering our events. We reserve the right to not to accept a post if it conflicts with our organizational mission. We also may contact you if we do not have enough information or need to edit what you have given us for size or content. If you are a for profit business/vendor wanting to post, please become a MAEA advertiser by going to
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First and Last Name
Name of your organization or MAEA council position
Phone number
What is the event, meeting, announcement you wish to have posted?
What is the date and/or time of the event/meeting?
Any other pertinent details including links to registrations, websites or other information.
Please enter any specific wording you would like used. (Note this may be edited to meet our policy guidelines)
If you have an image, pdf or video you want attached to the post, please email it to Hester Menier at 
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