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2023 Lux Teacher Training Application
This six day residential training will be held April 6-12 (inclusive)
Location: Livnim, Israel
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* Indicates required question
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Your answer
Where do you live? city & country
Your answer
Your answer
Primary role
Base + spotter
Flyer + spotter
Both + spotter
Website/Social Media page(s) and links
Your answer
How long have you been doing Acro?
First year
1-3 years
3-5 years
5-7 years
7-10 years
10+ years
Do you currently teach?
Not yet
Just started this year
1-3 years
3-5 years
5-10 years
10+ years
I don’t have plans to start teaching (yet)
Please send names and contact information (email addresses or social media) of two people from communities where you've practiced, who would recommend you for this training.
Your answer
Tell us about your Acro practice
Your answer
Tell us about your teaching desires
Acro teacher with the desire to deepen my acro knowledge and communication with my acro students
Acro practitioner with the desire to start teaching
Acro practitioner with the desire to dive deeper into the practice and the communication styles that promote optimal learning conditions
Tell us about you
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What questions do you have for us?
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