1. Login to Flight Schedule Pro to view which aircraft you are in (Online or iPhone App).
2. Open Dropbox (
www.tinyurl.com/supert-dropbox) to view your aircraft's Maintenance Alert Card and Weight & Balance templates.
3. Complete the weight and balance for your proposed flight. Assume full fuel (or half tanks if Spins are planned). Assume the air time at the start of your flight is the air time on the top of the Maintenance Alert Card.
4. View the weather (METARs, TAFs, GFAs, Winds/FDs, Radar, WeatherNetwork, etc.) and NOTAMs (
https://plan.navcanada.ca/) and
https://flightplanning.navcanada.ca/) for the proposed flight. File a flight plan ONLINE if a cross country is planned.
5. Complete this OFP and submit it PRIOR to your booking.
6. Complete the COVID Risk Assessment Survey (
www.tinyurl.com/supert-covidassessment) PRIOR to arriving at Super T. The COVID-19 Policy and Procedures document is available online in the Dropbox listed above.
7. Sign-In at the Front Door at Super T.
8. Confirm aircraft with Dispatch, and complete walk around (start with wiping down control surfaces and high touch areas).
9. Dispatch will confirm lesson plan and fill out the Daily Flight Record (DFR).
10. Briefing in Instructor Office. Masks must be worn by both pilots continually from the Pre-Flight Briefing, Flight, and Post-Flight Debrief. There will be no briefings completed in the main classroom.
11. Aircraft will be wiped down after the flight.
12. Instructor will confirm flight times and return the flight online during the debrief in the Instructor Office.
13. Dispatch will process payment (one person at the front desk at a time).