RSVP Storytelling Follow-up Session
RSVP for Storytelling from the Heart follow-up session
Do you plan to attend the Storytelling from the Heart follow-up session on Friday Sept. 30 from 1:00 to 2:30 pm PT? *
What is your name?
What is your email address?
If you are working on a personal story project, please describe it briefly.
Final note:
Join Zoom Meeting Friday Sept. 30, 1:00-2:30 pm PT
Meeting ID: 849 8544 0380
Passcode: 692693

The advance homework is to watch journalist Ericka Cruz Guevarra’s excellent story about her best friend, camping, and anti-Asian attacks. She presented this story as a part of AAJA-SF’s Hella Asian storytelling program. You can view the program on YouTube at this link: The entire program is almost 2 hours; Ericka’s story is about 20 minutes and runs from 55:28 to 1:14:14.

Thank you!

Jon, Paula, Amanda

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