Period Product Donor Form
Thank you for donating to our Menstrual Product Drive! This is a very new way of doing things so we can all be safe during the pandemic while making sure no one is going without these necessary items. Items will be going to local Washtenaw Co orgs still taking in kind donations. We are accepting new and unopened Pads, liners, Tampons, Menstrual Cups , and Menstrual sponges. After you fill out this form someone from our pick-up team will contact you to confirm pick up. If there's any questions please reach out to the Organizer at :
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address : *
How do you want donate? *
When can we pick up? *
What time of day is best? *
For pick up leave address
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Tento formulář byl vytvořen v doméně Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan. Nahlásit zneužití