Mill Hill Community Arts Center Rental Request
Interested in renting the Mill Hill Community Arts Center for your event?  Please answer the following questions to request an estimate.
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What is your first and last name? *
If requesting a quote for an organization, please list the name here as well.
What is your email address? *
We will send the quote generated from this form to the email address provided here.
What is your phone number? *
In case we need to contact you regarding your quote.
What is the name of your event? *
When would you like to have your event? *
If the date above is not available and your schedule is flexible, you can select another date here.
If you're only interested in a single date, feel free to skip this question.
To the nearest half hour, how many hours will you be using the Center? *
Be sure to include time for load-in, setup, the event itself, breakdown, and cleanup!
To the nearest half hour, when you would you like to enter the Center? *
This is NOT when you event starts, but rather when you, your caterer, decorator or planner needs to enter the building to begin load-in and setup.
To the nearest half hour, when will you leave the Center? *
Please note that the facility must be vacated by 12:00 AM at the latest following your event.
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