Online Registration Form for Senior High School
STUDENT ADMISSIONS ADVISORY | Greetings! As the full student allocation capacity of each academic track/strand to be offered in the Senior High School of the Philippine Women’s College (PWC) of Davao for School Year 2023-2024 has been almost reached, the online student registration for Grade 11 is temporarily suspended until further notice while the online student registration for Grade 12 is redirected to a new link.

However, the school administration is providing a “STUDENT REGISTRATION/ENROLLMENT WAITING LIST” for those interested incoming Grade 11 students in the event that an enrollment slot would be available in said grade level due to inevitable circumstances.

To be included on said waiting list, access either of the following links:

Please do note that the enlisting is on a “FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED” basis. Nonetheless, the school administration reserves its right to academic freedom of an educational institution vis-à-vis student admissions.

For those incoming Grade 12 students who have not yet registered, access either of the following links to proceed to the online student registration accordingly:

The foregoing is being made as PWC of Davao gradually transitions to the “new normal” delivery of its services.

Thank you for your usual understanding and cooperation as PWC cares always.
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