Illuminators and Contributors 2024
This form is to confirm your participation as a contributor to West-End-Lights 2024 and to put your own illumination or contribution on the map at

See here for last year's map, to get an idea what it'll look like (hopefully with even more icons dotted around): 

For the first time this year, we are not only inviting illuminations onto our map, but also charitable contributions. These could be home-cooked/baked food items, drinks, your arty-craft, or anything you are inspired to offer. Only rule: It must be for a good cause (not for profit), i.e., a named charity, or for free. We will put all illuminations on our map as in previous years, and in addition with a different icon also those places where people roaming the West End can indulge themselves with your contributions.

Should you want to offer both, illumination and charitable contribution, please fill this form twice for each offering (apologies for the additional work, but it makes our management much easier).

We will not put your email address anywhere in the public nor share it further. You may leave your name below to be put on the map, but this is entirely up to you (you can also choose your very own "pen name", if you prefer).
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Email *
Title *
The title of your illumination or contribution (a short title which we will put on the map, either the name or nature of illumination or your charitable contribution)
Your name (which we will put on the map if you want, leave empty if you don't want your name displayed on the map)
Your address (please provide your exact address, including postcode, to have the marker placed on the map in the right position; should you not want to be on the map, but still be listed, you may leave this empty). To make our job of creating the map as easy as possible, please use the following format:

Housenumber Street Name, Postcode


13 Luck Street, LN1 1YT
Will you present an illumination or provide another charitable or free offering? *
Most people present an illumination in their window or front garden, but we also welcome contributions like food or craft being offered for free or a monetary contribution to a named charity. Illuminations and other contributions are represented with different icons on our map to allow people to find them easily.
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