Fall Conference 2024
Event Timing: September 20-22
Event Address: Living Waters Bible Camp: E8932 Reo Ave. Westby, WI 54667 (608) 634-4373
Contact us at: kelsey@couleerock.com
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Name *
Length of Stay *
Please complete 1 of the 3 boxes below depending on how long you will be staying.
Both Nights
Please list the number of adults and children and their ages:
Adult $80
Child (4 & older) $60
Child (3 & younger) Free
Maximum Cost per Household: $315
One Night
Please list the number of adults and children and their ages
Adult $50
Child (4 & older) $45
Child (3 & younger) Free
Maximum Cost per Household: $215
Saturday ONLY
Please list the number of adults and children and their ages
Adult $10
Child (4 & older) $20
Child (3 & younger) Free
Maximum Cost per Household: $115
Please check if you are a first time attender
Total Cost for your Family:
**If it is your first time attending there is a $100 discount for both nights and a $50 discount for one night
For planning purposes, please indicate if your child(ren) will participate in Saturday morning children's programs. (Include their name, age and yes or no.)
Dietary restrictions/Allergies *
Ideal Cabin? *
Bunk Mates
Please list a family or two you'd be comfortable being bunk mates with
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