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Fall Conference
Event Timing: September 20-22
Event Address: Living Waters Bible Camp: E8932 Reo Ave. Westby, WI 54667 (608) 634-4373
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* Indicates required question
Your answer
Length of Stay
Both Nights
One Night (Friday)
One Night (Saturday)
Saturday Only
Please complete 1 of the 3 boxes below depending on how long you will be staying.
Both Nights
Please list the number of adults and children and their ages:
Adult $80
Child (4 & older) $60
Child (3 & younger) Free
Maximum Cost per Household: $315
Your answer
One Night
Please list the number of adults and children and their ages
Adult $50
Child (4 & older) $45
Child (3 & younger) Free
Maximum Cost per Household: $215
Your answer
Saturday ONLY
Please list the number of adults and children and their ages
Adult $10
Child (4 & older) $20
Child (3 & younger) Free
Maximum Cost per Household: $115
Your answer
Please check if you are a first time attender
First time attender
Total Cost for your Family:
**If it is your first time attending there is a $100 discount for both nights and a $50 discount for one night
Your answer
For planning purposes, please indicate if your child(ren) will participate in Saturday morning children's programs. (Include their name, age and yes or no.)
Your answer
Dietary restrictions/Allergies
Peanut Allergy
Ideal Cabin?
Bathroom in cabin
Bigger beds
Bunk Mates
Please list a family or two you'd be comfortable being bunk mates with
Your answer
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