Refinance Loan Questionnaire
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First Name
Last Name
What is your preferred Email?
What is the best Phone Number to reach you at?
Address of the home you are Refinancing *
What Type of Loan do you have currently? *
Residence Type of home you are Refinancing *
What is your Current Interest Rate? *
What is the Date of your Last Refinance? (or purchase date if you have never refinanced)
(estimate is okay)
What is the estimated Property Value?
What is the Balance of your First Mortgage? *
What is the balance of your 2nd Mortgage? (if applicable)
What is the current term of your mortgage? *
How much Cash are you looking to Pull Out? (if none put zero)
What is the amount of your monthly principal and interest payment?
This should be on your monthly statement - you may need to combine them
What is the total amount of your monthly payment (PITI)?
Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance
What is your estimated credit score? *
(Lowest score of either borrower)  (500-850)
Are you a Veteran?
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