Healthy Blue Initiative Community Resiliency Model® Teacher Training Application
      Are you a natural leader in your community who is passionate about learning, sharing, and teaching skills to help support the well-being of your community? Do you have time in your schedule to provide workshops, usually about two days a month? If, so we invite you to apply!

       The Healthy Blue Initiative is working to increase the health and well-being of children in foster care, their families, and caregivers. To that end, there is an opportunity for each of the six counties involved with the initiative to be able to send 1-3 people to become certified Community Resiliency Model® Teachers. With this certification, they can provide workshops to teach the biology-based self-regulation model to help folks learn to recognize and manage stress and to teach the six wellness skills to enhance overall well-being. 
     The training is being paid for by Healthy Blue and is around $1900 per person. When applicable, a stipend to cover the 5-day training time will be available for community leaders who are unemployed, or if employers would not provide paid time off to attend the training. 
    Being certified enables teachers to be paid by state or community organizations for offering the course. Some trainings will likely be scheduled for the teachers.Teachers are usually paid for their time at a rate up to $50 an hour (if not already being paid by your organization).

Please return this form no later than Thursday, June 30 at 5:00 p.m.
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First and Last Name
Email Address *
Organization *If applicable
Please check all applicable statements:
Are you able to attend a 5-day trainings during either of these dates?
If you're ready to apply, please complete the following questions:
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Have you taken a CRM® orientation, a one-day, or a two day CRM® training? If so, please indicate which one and when.
If yes, what skills have you used for self-care since taken the orientation? What did you notice?
When learning the skills, were you able to sense a natural or pleasant sensation?
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Please give an example of how CRM® skills have helped you.
If applicable: When working with a partner, were you able to observe when they were in the Resilient Zone? How?
Why do you want to become a CRM® Teacher? Example who or what is motivating you?
Why are you a good candidate for this training?
Do you have any other teaching experience (this is not required to become a CRM® teacher?)
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If yes, how would this other teaching experience assist you in becoming a CRM® Teacher?
Co-teaching is required of CRM® Teachers. How comfortable will you be co-teaching? List some pros and cons of working with a partner.
CRM® Teachers often work with many different populations/groups. Please share any specific training, person experiences or cultural considerations you feel would increase your ability to teach the CRM® skills to others.
Please add any other thoughts that would be helpful for consideration of your application.
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